Monday, July 30, 2007

Viljandi Folk Festival

I've just returned from the Vilhjandi Folk Music Festival. I only had my camera with me, so here are some very poor quality pictures.

The view of Viljandi Castle from Sirli's Grandfather's Summer House. The music festival is held amongst the ruins of the castle.

Greek Music played by an Estonian Band.

Spanish Folk Music

Sirli and I
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Friday, July 20, 2007

My Birthday

I've been pretty slac in posting here of late, and I just realise that I didn't put anything up about my Birthday. Sirli threw a surprise party for me the night before my actual birthday. I have to admit that I had no idea!!

Pictures here


Last week James, Fitzy, Adam and Terhi came to Tallinn. The picture below is from when we hired a mini bus and drove to Paldiski. On the weekend we hired a car and Fitzy, Adam, Sirli and I drove through Southern Estonia and onto Riga. Driving to Riga was a very scary experience. The number of times other drivers overtake on blind corners is amazing! Driving in Tallinn seems like a piece of cake now.

More Pictures here.