Thursday, December 27, 2007


A few pictures taken on Boxing Day harvesting oats. Back on the farm ion Shelford.

Jenko in the header

Brydie Harry and Jared, towing a fieldbin with the ute.

Robert in the new truck, tipping the trailer.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Estonians are the Europes third worst drivers - Forbes

Estonia is the the third most dangerous country in which to drive, according to a recent Forbes report. The even worse skills behind the wheel of their Baltic Brethren leave the Estonians in the bronze medal position. Lithuanians are Europe's worst drivers, and Latvians the second worst. One point to consider is that Forbes used a picture of a car tipped over during the april Bronze soldier riots. It was interesting that The Postimees newspaper concentrated on this fact rather than the fact that Estonians can't drive for shit! I think they need tp get their priorities straight!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Estonian Armed Robbery Gang

For some reason this story really interests me. English police think that there is an Estonian robbery gang, who use budget airlines to fly around the world and launch high value raids. 48 hours later they're back in Estonia. Seems like a good scam to me. Less chance of being caught if you're several hundred kilometres away. However, it seems police have eventually caught up with therm. Read the full story here.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Corruption in Estonian Football

It seems that there could be a few Estonian clubs caught up in the latest football (soccer) betting scandal.