Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Tallinn = Danish Town

The name Tallinn supposedly comes from the Estonian for Danish Town (Tani Linn). The Danes were the first foreign occupiers of Estonia in 1219 until they sold it to a German religious order in 1346 because the Estonians were constantly uprising and giving them the shits. Now there is a garden in Tallinn known as the Danish Garden. The picture on the right is a representation of a Danish knight. According to legend the danish got their flag during a battle on Estonian soil. The legend says that they were looking at a terrible defeat when this flag dropped from the sky. They then went on to win the battle, and have used the flag ever since. Walking around Tallinn, you can see flag in all sorts of different places. I find it amazing that history from such a long time ago can still be seen today.

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