Thursday, February 21, 2008

Fresh Perspectives

Having just arrived back in Tallinn after 6 weeks in Australia, there are some things which stand out in great contrast to Melbourne after a bit of time away. They are things I always realised about Tallinn, but had stopped taking notice of as I became accustomed to them after living here for so long. Here's what I've noticed:
  1. The streets are dirty! Not with rubbish, but actual dirt. I've never figured out why that is. Tallinn has street sweepers, but I guess just not enough. And using little old ladies to sweep the streets only removes so much dirt!
  2. It pays to be young. I went to the supermarket and there was a 60 year old man collecting trolleys. In Australia it would be a 16 year old, or possibly someone with a disability who has been kicked off welfare! In Estonia old people do menial work. Young people run large corporations. Baby-boomers may rule OZ, but not Estonia.
  3. People aren't friendly. Well they are, but not to strangers. Not in an outgoing way. No one smiles at you in the street. I was a bit shocked by this after easy-going, happy go lucky Australia.
  4. Waiting staff are really good. HANG ON, WHAT???! I'm sure that when I left Estonia the staff in restaurants were all rude, incompetent bastards. Since I've been back, everywhere I've been the service has been outstanding. In fact much better than any restaurant I ate at in Australia. (Piece of advice - avoid the Wood Oven Pizza Restaurant in Mercer Street Geelong like the plague.) However, the down side is that eating out doesn't seem that cheap. Last time I came back from Australia I remember thinking how cheap restaurants seemed compared to Melbourne. Not any more! I guess that's what 11% inflation does. Well at least I don't live in Zimbabwe!
  5. It's cold in Winter.

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