Thursday, September 27, 2007

M-Voting in Estonia

In March I blogged about how Estonians could cast their votes online at the last National Parliamentary Elections. Well there are now reports that the government is looking to establish a system of M-Voting, whereby people can vote using their mobile phones. Interesting for Australians to consider when their Saturdays are disrupted by having to vote (sometime) later this year. Imagine voting securely in 30 seconds using your phone, at home, in the car or even at the pub!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Rooftop Sunset

I just went up to the top of our building to get a good look at the sunset. Here are a few snaps I got. They're taken at 20:00, just to give you an idea of the shortening days.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Getting Cold in Tallinn

The mecury has been slowly falling over the last month or so here in Tallinn, and it is cold outside even on a sunny day. Our house only has communal heating, which we have to wait to be turned on. As a result it has been getting cold inside, but thankfully the heat came on just a few hours ago! This may not sound like much, but to me it is great, as i wont be freezing cold in my own home. However it also signals that summer has well and truly passed, and the long slide into winter has began!!

We have these radiators which are heated by hot water.

I thought the little snow flake was apt for how the apartment felt when I got home from Viljandi this morning .
However now the heat is on and i have ramped the dial up to 9! I've never been a fan of the cold.
Now playing: Bloc Party - Like Eating Glass
via FoxyTunes

Estonian Basketballer playing in Melbourne

Martin Muursepp, an Estonian basketballer is playing for the Tigers in Melbourne, and was given this write up in the Age.

Thanks to Jeff for pointing this out.

Friday, September 14, 2007

More Graffiti

Since my second most recent post I've taken a few more pictures of graffiti on Tallinn's walls. Here's two:

1. Not sure what this one means, I just thought it looked interesting.

2. I really like this one, as it is quite subtle but very clever. This is on the wall next to the front door of the building I lived in when I studied in Tallinn 3 years ago. The street was the location for the most dramatic fighting in the April "Bronze Soldier" Riots. The one death, where a Russian rioter was stabbed to death also occurred in this street. I really good commentary on the logic, or lack of it, in rioting!

Also interesting is the police website set up recently to identify the remaining unknown rioters. People are supposed to go to the site and look at the pictures, and then tell the police if they know the people.

Now playing: My Chemical Romance - Welcome To The Black Parade
via FoxyTunes