Friday, June 26, 2009

Michael Jackson - Death Reportage in Oz V Eesti

You have to cash in on what's big in the media. I've got nothing to say about Iran, so I'll write something about Michael Jackson. (Actually his death is probably a disaster for Iranian protesters!) The coverage of Jacko's death is probably as intense in Australia as it is in Estonia. With such a long and diverse career, and a life lived constantly in the spotlight, there must have been hundreds of photos for newspaper pictorial editors to choose from. However it seems the Age from Australia and Õhtuleht have used the same picture on their front pages.

Though its interesting that along side Jackson one paper has a Bikini clad girl on the front page, while the other has Aussie Rules and Cricket. Could say a lot about the two countries. Or perhaps just about what a trashy paper Õhtuleht is!!!

Õhtuleht - Estonia

The Age - Australia

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